
2022-11-29 投稿:叶怡财 分享

题主好,这是一个典型的定语从句。假设主语是He,因为题主未给出,完整的句子是:He has revolutionised the way (that) we communicate.that做从句的宾语,删去不影响句意,所有的定语从句都可以拆分成两个句子,如果把这个句子拆分成两个的话就是:1.He has revolutionised the way. 2.we communicate in that way.题主好,您的评论是对的,我疏忽了。当先行词是way是定语从句中一个非常特殊的存在:

I like the way

he lives.

I like the way

that he lives


I like the way

in which he lives.


再补充一下,埃米纳姆最著名的那首Love the way you lie相信题主一定听过,用法是一样的。


communicate to 和with的区别

communicate with 沟通,通话,与某人联系①Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other.海豚用声音相互沟通。②Family the

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community记忆法:1/词根助记解析com 一起 + mun 公共的 + ity 构成名词,表状态 -> 大家一起享受公共的服务 -> community 社区2/联想communism n. 共产主义commodity

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