
2022-11-29 投稿:杨佩芳 分享

开幕 n. rising of a curtainv. open, inaugurate, begin, start 开幕式典礼是个壮观的场面。

The opening ceremony was a fine spectacle.大会于昨天开幕。

The conference was inaugurated yesterday.会议原计划于三月开幕。

The conference was originally planned to open in March.大会今天上午开幕了。

The conference was inaugurated this morning.展览会明天开幕。

The exhibition will open tomorrow.隆重开幕open ceremoniously会议于昨天隆重开幕。

The conference was solemnly opened yesterday.展览会开幕的日期延迟了。

The opening of the exhibition has been postponed.他们飞往那里以便能及时参加开幕典礼。

They flew there in order that they might be in time to attend the opening ceremony.大会于6月24日正式开幕。

The conference formally opened on June 24.今晚电视转播奥运会开幕式。

Tonight the TV will relay the opening ceremony of the Olympics.



(英文名:Release conference)是指一个对公布信息,互动答疑的仪式。通常类型有新闻发布会、新品发布会、媒体发布会等。以新闻发布会为例,是政府或某个社会组织定期、不定期或临时举办的信息和

0.2万人浏览 conferenceConference什么意思



0.2万人浏览 conferenceConferenceconference是什么意思


英语缩略词“CR”经常作为“Conference Record”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“会议记录”。会议记录是指在会议过程中,由记录人员把会议的组织情况和具体内容记录下来,就形成了会议记录。“记”有

0.2万人浏览 conferenceConferenceconference是什么意思