
2022-11-25 投稿:蔡玉婷 分享

some的近义词是:  any

Do you have any suggestions ?


Some doctors are pretty puny characters .医生中也不乏庸庸碌碌之辈。

They often fall out over some trifling matter .他们常常因小事争吵。

Some people use flattery to get favours .有些人靠阿谀奉承谋求好处。

Some people were staring gloomily about .有的人垂头丧气,茫然四顾。

Some of washington's letters are extant .华盛顿的若干函札现仍存在。

You shall have some part of your will .你可以得到你所希冀的一部分。

There would be some very bad days ahead .今后几天将会是非常艰难的。

What i found made me do some scouting .我的发现促使我做些侦察工作。