
2022-11-28 投稿:黄盛玫 分享

Industry: 工业,产业······

Industry(工业)is the production of a good or service

(within an economy).

Agriculture(农业)is the cultivation of animals, plants, and

other life forms (for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinals and other


Classification of




This involves the

extraction of resources directly from the Earth; this includesfarming, mining and logging. They send it off to

factories to make a profit.



This group is involved in

the processing products from primary industries. This includes

all factories—those that refine metals, produce furniture, or pack

farm products such as meat.

Tertiary第三产业 (相当于商业)

This group is involved in

the delivery and sale of goods. They include truck drivers and retail

workers, for example.


This group is involved in

the research of science and technology and other high level tasks.

They include scientists, doctors, and lawyers.

Quinary Sector第五产业

Some consider there to be

a branch of the quaternary sector called the quinary sector, which

includes the highest levels of decision making in a society or

economy. This sector would include the top executives or officials in

such fields as government, science, universities, nonprofit,

healthcare, culture, and the media.

There are many other

different kinds of industries.
