
2022-11-21 投稿:谢晓玲 分享

You talk about the junk you do like you talk about climbing trees


You live the life of a little kid with bruises on your knees

你比孩子还脆弱 连受个小伤都要让我来精心照顾你

You will never cop to the damage that's been done


But you will never stop 'cause it's too much fun

你更不会就此停止 因为这过程给你带来了不少乐趣

Now you want somebody to be your buttercup

而现在你玩够了 想找个新对象

Good luck finding your buttercup


You already sucked me dry, can't do it anymore honey

你让我觉得太累 实在受不了

You roughed me up and made me cry, now you wanna borrow money

受够了你对我的折磨 你已经伤透了我的心 现在你竟然还想跟我借钱去挥霍

You say you feel like a failure and you wish you could take it all back


But honey I gotta tell ya, it's a little too late for that

但亲爱的我得告诉你 现在为时已晚

And now you want somebody to be your buttercup

而现在你玩够了 想找个新女友

Good luck finding your buttercup


One reason after the other you're always feeling sad


Maybe you couldn't talk to your mother or stand up to your dad


You want my forgiveness and that I will give to you

你想让我原谅你的一切 指望我能再次接受你

But you got yourself into this mess and there's nothing I can do

看你现在一团糟的样子 我无能为力 要知道 自作孽不可活

And now you want somebody to be your buttercup


Good luck finding your buttercup


The first time I saw you, you made me melt

第一次见你 你让我的心都甜化了

The last time I saw you, you hit below the belt

最后一次见你 你却狠狠的伤了我的心

You might have a beautiful mouth, you might have beautiful eyes

你或许有性感的双唇 或许有漂亮的双目

But sooner or later it all goes south when you tell too many lies

不过那迟早都会变样 因为你满嘴谎言

And now you want somebody to be your buttercup


Good luck finding your buttercup


Good luck finding your buttercup


Good luck finding your buttercup
