
2022-11-16 投稿:何珮甄 分享

prosperous繁荣的双语对照词典结果:prosperous[英][ˈprɒspərəs][美][ˈprɑ:spərəs]adj.繁荣的,兴旺的; 富裕的; 幸福的,运气好的; 良好的; 例句:

1.They fear that they will never get the money back, and their ownprosperous economies will be dragged down. 它们担心这些钱可能永远不会得到归还,而它们自己原本繁荣的经济会因此而受到拖累。

2.The constituency also includes moorland and someprosperous villages. 该选区还包括一些荒地和富裕村庄。



翻译如下用more and more造句如下:The city is becoming more and more prosperous. 这个城市越来越繁盛了。This district is ge

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恭喜发财的英语:从字面上翻译,应该这样译:May you be happy and prosperous! 不过很多老外,特别是做经常和中国人做生意的老外,和居住在香港的外国人,经常这样用:Kung

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