
2022-11-23 投稿:吴耀华 分享

翻译如下用more and more造句如下:The city is becoming more and more prosperous. 这个城市越来越繁盛了。

This district is getting more and more prosperous and bustling.这一带越来越繁华了。

By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more andmore frequently. 到这个时候她已经90多岁了,越来越频繁地需要帮助。

Learning becomes more and more difficult as we get older 随着年龄增长,学习变得越来越难。

More and more her memory and all her thoughts fastened on oneevent 她越来越多地把记忆和心思都集中在一件事上。

The play gets more and more exciting in the last few scences.这出戏在最后几场中越来越*激动人心。



煜yù(形声.从火,昱(yù)声.本义:照耀) 同本义 [shine]日以煜乎昼,月以煜乎夜.——《太玄·元告》煜yù光耀;明亮 [bright].如:煜明(光亮);煜烁(光辉灿烂);煜炜(光彩华盛貌

0.2万人浏览 prosperousProsperous


prosperous.释义:繁荣的,成功的,兴旺的。beautiful.释义:美丽的,美好的,很好的。扩展资料  depression.  释义:萧条期,经济衰退,不景气。  developed.  

0.2万人浏览 prosperous