
2022-12-14 投稿:谢怡君 分享

  译文:  According to legend, in ancient times a year, ten suns appeared in the sky, straight smoke roasted earth, the sea dry, people no longer seeing life go.  This alerted a hero named Hou Yi, he boarded the Kunlun Peak, transport enough god, God opened the bow, shot down nine stretch an excess of sun.  Hou Yi set matchless magic, the people respected and loved by many patriots come here Toushi apprenticeship. Treacherous cunning, evil intents Peng Meng also mixed in.  Soon, Hou Yi married a beautiful and kind-hearted wife named Chang-e. In addition to hunting Hou Yi Chuan Yi, the day and his wife together, people are envious of this Langcainvmao loving couple.  Day, Hou Yi and friends seeking the correct path to the Kunlun Mountains, the Queen Mother after this chance encounter, they would seek the Queen Mother of a pack of elixir. It is said that the drug dose can immediately go to heaven immortal.  Three days later, Hou Yi mobilize believers to go out hunting, Peng Meng dismal pretend illness, stayed.  Houyi rate to be gone soon everyone, Peng Meng backyard holding a sword into the inner chamber, coercion Chang E to hand over elixir.  Peng Meng Chang-e know that they are not rivals, when she was critical of the decisive turn open the treasure box, took out elixir swallowed.  Chang-e swallowed drugs, the body immediately floated off the ground, out of the window, flew to the sky. As Chang-e worried about her husband, then fly to the moon from the earth into the nearest cent.  Evening, Hou Yi returned home, maid cried the day they happened. Hou Yi both scared and angry, Choujian kill bad guys, Peng Meng escaped early. Hou Yi wringing Wawataijiao anger. Hou Yi distraught, looking up at the night sky, calling his beloved wife's name. Then he was surprised to find that today's moon is particularly bright and clear and bright, and there is a shaking of the figure resembles the Chang-e.  Hou Yi quickly sent to the Chang-e, after a favorite garden, put the incense table, put her favorite honey usually eat fruit, Yao Ji at the the moon's Chang-e in the attachment of their own.  People have heard about the Moon After the news of immortality, have decorative incense table in the next month, the Chang-e to pray for good luck peace. Since then, the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival worship in private spread.  相传,远古时候有一年,天上出现了十个太阳,直烤得大地冒烟,海水枯干,老百姓眼看无法再生活去。  这件事惊动了一个名叫后羿的英雄,他登上昆仑山顶,运足神力,拉开神弓,一气射下九个多余的太阳。  后羿立下盖世神功,受到百姓 的尊敬和爱戴,不少志士慕名前来投师学艺。奸诈刁钻、心术不正的蓬蒙也混了进来。  不久,后羿娶了个美丽善良的 妻子,名叫嫦娥。后羿除传艺狩猎外,终日和妻子在一起,人们都羡慕这对郎才女貌的恩爱夫妻。  一天,后羿到昆仑山访友求道,巧遇由此经过的王母娘娘,便向王母求得一包不死药。据说,服下此药,能即刻升天成仙。  三天后,后羿率众徒外出狩猎,心怀鬼胎的蓬蒙假装生病,留了下来。  待后羿率众人走后不久,蓬蒙手持宝剑闯入内宅后院,威逼嫦娥交出不死药。  嫦娥知道自己不是蓬蒙的对手,危急之时她当机立断,转身打开百宝匣,拿出不死药一口吞了下去。  嫦娥吞下药,身子立时飘离地面、冲出窗口,向天上飞去。由于嫦娥牵挂着丈夫,便飞落到离人间最近的月亮上成了仙。  傍晚,后羿回到家,侍女们哭诉了白天发生的事。后羿既惊又怒,抽剑去杀恶徒,蓬蒙早逃走了。气得后羿捶胸顿足哇哇大叫。悲痛欲绝的后羿,仰望着夜空呼唤爱妻的名字。这时他惊奇地发现,今天的月亮格外皎洁明亮,而且有个晃动的身影酷似嫦娥。  后羿急忙派人到嫦娥喜爱的后花园里,摆上香案,放上她平时最爱吃的蜜食鲜果,遥祭在月宫里眷恋着自己的嫦娥。  百姓们闻知嫦娥奔月成仙的消息后,纷纷在月下摆设香案,向善良的嫦娥祈求吉祥平安。从此,中秋节拜月的风俗在民间传开了。  这是最短的,百分百正确,一定要选我哦



Chang-er flew to the moon.1.3楼两个错,一,人名字不 惯词,1.过去试没有第三人称单数. 如果楼主想要一个名词性的词组的话可以说:Chang-er's fly to

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1、嫦娥奔月故事简短概括如下:在很早很早以前,因为后羿射日立了功,不久,后羿娶了个美丽善良的 妻子,名叫嫦娥。人们都羡慕这对郎才女貌的恩爱夫妻。一天,后羿到昆仑山遇到王母娘娘,便向王母求得一包不死药。

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相传远古时候,天上出现了十个太阳,直烤得大地冒烟,海水枯干,老百姓眼看无法再生活下去。 这件事惊动了一个名叫后羿的英雄,他登上昆仑山顶,运足神力,拉开神弓,一气射下九个多余的太阳。后羿立下盖世神功,不

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0.2万人浏览 嫦娥奔月的故事嫦娥故事嫦娥的故事