
2022-11-29 投稿:王淑月 分享

我认为不这样单独的解释。university这个词是universe宇宙的衍生词,universe也可指世间万物,大学建立的初衷就是为了让学生们可以得到非常全面的教育。而universe可以用词根来解释:uni-统一,verse-旋转而去e为i,加上ty 是常见的名词衍生方法。university [,ju:ni'və:səti]n.1. the body of faculty and students at a university2. establishment where a seat of higher learning is housed, including administrative and living quarters as well as facilities for research and teaching3. a large and diverse institution of higher learning created to educate for life and for a profession and to grant degrees