
2022-11-27 投稿:叶元映 分享

建议参考: perspective 英[pəˈspektɪv]美[pərˈspektɪv] n. 透镜,望远镜; 观点,看法; 远景,景色; 洞察力 adj. (按照)透视画法的; 透视的 例句: 1、Yet, there is always a need for an EA perspective in the organization and EA activities must never cease. 但这总是需要企业具有EA观点,并且EA活动绝不能停止。

2、And many people view power from an outdated perspective. 而许多人依然在用一种过时的眼光看待权力。


名词 n.1.透视图法,远近画法[U]Children often draw without perspective.小孩子画画常常不管透视法。2.透视图[C]3.看法,观点[U][C][( on)]

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