
2022-11-25 投稿:吴俊伯 分享

vt.支撑;携带;输送;运载vt.& vi.运送;搬运;具有vi.(文学、戏剧等)对读者;扔(或踢)到……距离;(马等)具有某种姿势;传得很远n.(枪炮、火箭等的)射程;运输,运送

carry away

1.大为激动,忘形was carried away by desire.被欲望冲昏了头脑

carry forward

1.&I{【会计学】} 转帐:将(帐目)转下一栏、页、册或另一帐户

carry off

1.引起…的死亡was carried off by a fever.因发烧而死

2.成功地对付carried off the difficult situation with aplomb.镇静地应付了困难的局面

carry on

1.开展;维持carry on a thriving business.经营繁忙的生意

2.卷入,从事carry on a love affair.正在谈恋爱

3.不停顿地持续下去;坚持carry on in the face of disaster.面对灾难坚持不懈


carry out

1.实行,运作carry out a new policy.实行一项新政策

2.遵循或遵守carry out instructions.遵循教诲

3.得出结论;完成carried out the mission successfully.成功地完成使命



一、鼓励的名词encouragement的读音:英[ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt]美[ɪnˈkɜ:rɪdʒmənt]二、encouragement的释义n.鼓励; 激励;支持(的事物); 促进(的事物)

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purpose的形容词是purposeful,副词是purposefully。(1)purposeful adj. Having a clear aim or purpose有目的的,有明确目标的,坚

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legislation释义:n. 立法;法律例句:The country will begin to implement strict gun control legislation early th

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