
2022-11-22 投稿:邱宜瑶 分享


n. 发烧,发热;狂热

vt. 使发烧;使狂热;使患热病

vi. 发烧;狂热;患热病

He didn't go to school this morning because he had a high fever.


That fever nearly finished him off .那次高烧险些要了他的命。

Your forehead 's burning . have you got a fever ?你前额很烫。是不是发烧了?

He has a fever and aches all over .他发高烧,混身感到酸痛。

Patriotism was then at fever pitch .当时爱国主义情绪高涨。

Towards the end of the year he caught scarlet fever .快到年底时他得了腥红热。

War fever was rising all over the middle east .战争狂热正在整个中东地区升温。

His medicines had failed; the fever was unabated .他的药剂未起作用。热度未减。

Soon he succumbed to silver mining fever.没过多久他就被开采银矿的狂热所感染。

Joe once had pneumonia and ran a feverfor a week .有一次,乔患肺炎,发烧一星期。

I feel as if i 'm running a fever .我好像有点儿发热。



temperature n. 温度 缩写T,temp. The degree of hotness or coldness of a body or an environment. 温度:一个身体或一

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一、rainy的基本释义及用法介绍  rainy作为形容词,意为阴雨的;多雨的`;未雨绸缪。  例句:I'll put the rest in the bank for a rainy day

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