
2022-11-16 投稿:许承翰 分享

specification 意思是:规范 [英][ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃn][美][ˌspɛsəfɪˈkeʃən] 以下双语例句:

1. So the quality, specification and price are clarified in our contract. 所以合同里将质量、规格和价钱都写的很明确。

2. Its systems are still basic, awaiting an upgrade to a final specification. 其系统仍是基础型,要进行升级才能达到最终的规格。

3. But mozilla and opera rejected h.264, and the industry players creating the html5 specification choseagainst specifying a particular codec. 不过mozilla和opera反对h.264,而制定html5规格的业内人士也不支持制定某一种编码为特定标准。